Cost Benefit Analysis

Take a look at how you can benefit from a scopist.

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Cost Benefit Analysis

If you’re still not convinced, try reading this Cost Benefit Analysis distributed by Linda Evenson, a scopist of over 35 years, teacher of scoping since 1999, and instructor at The Internet Scoping School.

*Transcript is due in 2 days

Day 1

Reporter A with scopist
200 pgs. @ $5.00 pp
Scopist @ $2.00 pp
Reporter Net: 

Gross:   $1000.00
                 – 400.00
              $ 600.00
Day 1
Reporter B without scopist
200 pgs. @ $5.00 pp
Gross:                     $1000.00
Reporter Net:  $1000.00
Day 2
Reporter A with scopist
200 pgs. @ $5.00 pp
Scopist @ $2.00 pp
Reporter Net: 
 Gross:   $1000.00
 – 400.00                                 $600.00
Day 2
Reporter B without scopist
takes self off books to edit own work
Reporter Net:        $000.00
Reporter A nets $1200.00 with a 100% tax deduction of $800.00
 Reporter B nets $1000.00 with a 0% tax deduction
Linda Evenson – Internet Scoping School

Plain and simple, if you are taking yourself off the books to edit your own work, you are losing money!

This Cost Benefit Analysis is meant to highlight the financial gain a court reporter can expect. A scopist has many other exciting benefits for a court reporter. Check out my blog to find out more, or visit the FAQ page!