November 25th, 2023 – How Having A Scopist Can Benefit You
Is this a shameless plug? Yes.
However, the information is true regardless of the intent behind my sharing it with you.
You may be wondering if it is worth the time to go looking for a scopist. The answer is yes. A scopist’s job comes with a lot of different perks for you as a court reporter. These perks are designed to make your life easier, and your time better spent. I think the benefit of a scopist is worth exploring.
Free Time
Getting a scopist allows you free time to do what it is you desire most. Having a scopist allows you the chance to pursue those things which may not have fit into your schedule before. Hobbies specifically can be helpful for a lot of other things in our lives. Making time to pursue things we love can benefit both your mental health and your work skills. Whether you want to spend time with your friends and family, hobbies, or take on more work, a scopist can help you make that time. If you do happen to be taking on more jobs in your free time, this leads us in to the next point.
Gets Jobs Out Faster
With a scopist to do the extra work at the end for you, you can get these jobs out faster. You can also meet deadlines more efficiently. You’ll have the chance to do more jobs- if that’s what you’re into- and reap the rewards that entails.
One benefit a scopist can provide is a free trial when you start with them. This allows you to see what their skill set looks like, how they work with you, how they receive feedback, and if they have the right personality fit for you.
Less Stress
In today’s post-COVID society, less stress is something everyone needs. Just read this article about how stress can affect your body! Having a scopist can help you reduce stress in a variety of ways. One stress-relieving benefit is that it lends you an extra set of eyes. If you’re anything like me, the perfectionist will rage long after the work has been sent out. Having another person look over your work, add to it, and make sure you produced the best transcript will ease your mind significantly.
A scopist can also give you the comfort of a team member. We all need help sometimes. It can be comforting to have someone in your corner who wants you to succeed. A scopist is there to help, support, and encourage.
In my opinion, these are some of the most significant perks to having a scopist. I keep this in mind whenever I perform my own work. It serves as a reminder to myself that the job I do is meant to be helpful. What I do first and foremost is aid my court reporter and continue to find new ways to help us both prosper. If you like this post, make sure to leave a comment down below and check back for new posts on the Next Step Scopist blog!
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